
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Joseph Andrews and Abraham Adams Essay

Such devotion is clearly evident in Adams, not only because of his position as a clergyman but also in his actions. During an episode in which Joseph and Adams are in great danger, Adams’ devotion to God is proven. â€Å"Adams now fell on his Knees, and committed himself to the Care of Providence . Joseph is likewise devoted to God. he still settles himself to the wishes of God, making his devotion clear Mr. Abraham Adams was an excellent Scholar. He was a perfect Master of the Greek and Latin Languages In comparison to the normal human of the time, Adams seems to be more intelligent. The first meeting between Adams and Joseph depends upon Joseph’s similar aptitude for learning compared to similar people his age. After questioning Joseph about several subjects, Adams declares that, â€Å"he answer’d much better than Sir Thomas, or two otherDespite their many similarities, Adams and Joseph differ on several points. One of them is their view on schools. The essential debate comes down to the quality of British public schools. Joseph Andrews throws his support towards public schools. Adams holds a different opinion on this matter, however, which coincides with his position as a clergyman and his devotion to God. â€Å"Public Schools are the Nurseries of all Vice and Immorality. All the wicked Fellows whom I remember at the University were bread at them,† Joseph’s willingness to contest Adams’ opinions shows that they must differ in some ways. The simplicity of Adams’ character is evident in his gullibility compared to Joseph. During one episode, they are promised several extravagant offers by a gentlemen who pretends to be sympathetic to their Case. After giving several excuses that prevent him from following through on his promise, Adams still doesn’t understand the situation. â€Å"This must be a sudden Accident, as the Sickness or Death of a Relation. Adams honestly believes that the man had intentions of honoring his promises. Joseph is less gullible, and know that the man has been playing with them.. Joseph sees through the lies he is being told and falls back upon his greater experience of the world than Adams. Throughout Joseph Andrews, the relationship between Adams and Joseph forms an important element of the story. Their great friendship brings them through difficult times and benefits them both. This friendship is composed of both their similarities, which help them get along, and their differences, which allow each of them to expand the other’s world view. The relationship would not be as dynamic without the interaction derived from these similarities and differences. In comparison, they devote themselves to God, rise above their peers in moral character, and posses greater learning than their peers. In contrast, they differ in their views of schools and their gullibility

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay

Often, people would resolve into using the biographical strategy when they come into a dead end in trying to interpret a work. This is what I like about this particular strategy because it can provide answers to unanswered questions that are not possible to be derived from the work alone. Sometimes, a look at the life of the author helps in understanding a piece of literature. Some say that is a lazy man’s approach into interpreting a text but that does not mean that it is not an effective way. I believe that in all works, there is always a piece of the author in their writings, making this strategy a valid one. We simply cannot deny the fact that the works of an author are almost always influenced by his experiences. I also like how this approach becomes investigative in nature because of the â€Å"digging† of information for the authors’ lives. What I Don’t Like About Psychological Strategies Unlike biographical strategies, psychological strategies do not quite get me that excited. This strategy urges critics to look for â€Å"symbolic† meanings in every work which just complicate things. Though I understand the importance of symbols in literature, this strategy can sometimes be used too much and give symbolism into things and events that are not even meant by the author to have symbols. Though this might contradict my likeness for biographical strategies, I believe that events should (at least most of the time) stand on their own. Another thing that I do not like about psychological strategies is the Oedipus complex theory; it is just far too taboo for me to think of such things. Speaking of theory, this is what mostly this strategy is based on—theory, which means, it is not as reliable as a biographical approach because the latter is based on the lives of the authors, not on speculated ideas.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Proposal Funding Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal Funding - Assignment Example A proposal requires some background information that would help the credibility of the project. However, if there is lack of background information it is difficult to come up with a good proposal (Day, 2013). Drafting the needed resources required in the project is also tricky since one may overestimate and lose the funding or underestimate and see the project fail to be fully implemented (Peterson, 2008). It is therefore important to ensure that the resources required are well appropriated. Lack of ample information on the clientele is also a problem in coming up with the project requirements. In some cases the clientele may not be clearly recognized in the project making it difficult to write a proper proposal. The grant opportunity in this regard would be a grant towards the improvement of mental health in the country. The purpose of the grant opportunity is mainly to improve and broaden the delivery of individuals’ behavioral health. This would be through improving and enhancing integrated health care model within the existing health centers. When looking for funding for the project to conduct a research on the Healthcare experiences of the Haitian population in the Boston area in regards to Mental Health due to their cultural beliefs the Center for Disease Control and Prevention acts as one of the agencies that can fund the project (Peterson, 2008). Through the National Association for Public Health and information systems (NAPHSIS) acts as the best form of funding that the project can find since it’s sponsored by the National Environmental Public Health Tracking

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Water and sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Water and sustainability - Essay Example conomy and population over the past decades has brought tremendous cost to the nation’s environmental sustainability (Liu, Jianguo, and Wu Yang 650). Although both China and the USA are economically developed, the simultaneous effects of the industrialization, agricultural growth, and urbanization coupled with the declining ground and surface water quantity are some of the crucial problems facing water sustainability in China. This paper therefore, explores the comparison of water sustainability between China and USA while taking keen interest on the problems of the water sustainability in China and the solutions. The USA’S EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is committed to the promotion of the sustainable practices that helps ensuring that the citizens continue enjoying the benefits of the safe and clean water. As a result the tap water in the USA relatively cleaner as compared to that of China. The tap water in U.S is generally good. In the 2006, 89.3% of the nation’s community water system were in total compliance with EPA. Unlike China, most of the water systems in the USA that are out of compliance are the small systems in the small towns and rural areas partly because most of the public water systems are generally small ones. Another reason for the cleaner tap water in the USA is that the drinking water in the U.S is regulated by the federal and state laws and codes that sets Maximum Contaminant Levels for some of the pollutants and the naturally occurring constituents. The federal and state laws and codes are tasked with the determination of the various operational req uirements, public notifications of the standards, provision of guidance to the state primacy agencies and publish the consumer confidence reports (Liu, Jianguo, and Wu Yang 650). Unlike China, the laws in the US such as Safe Drinking Water Act ensure quality of the drinking water is high. The public water systems in the US must comply with the laws to ensure that the water is safe.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Negative effect of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS) & Sodium Laureth Essay

Negative effect of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate(SLES) on the health - Essay Example 1). If these two chemicals are being used in products that most of us use everyday, we can argue that SLS and SLES must and should be safe and should not be detrimental to our health but sadly, this is not the case. SLS and SLES are actually cheap ingredients, which is why they are commonly used in soaps and shampoos but they are probably the most dangerous ingredients in our personal care products (Kramer, "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate," par. 1). There are lots of studies which have shown that there are indeed possible ill effects that SLS and SLES may bring to us. Sodium lauryl sulfate is being used for clinical testing as a skin irritant wherein the skin of test animals and humans are being irritated with SLS then healing agents are tested to determine the effectiveness of those agents to skin irritated by sodium lauryl sulfate (Kramer, "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate," par. 2). ... 3) According to a report published in the Journal of The American College of Toxicology in 1983, SLS "concentrations as low as 0.5% could cause irritation and concentrations of 10- 30% caused skin corrosion and severe irritation" (qtd. in "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)," par.4). We should not wait for the time when we experience skin irritation; we can already take an action by throwing out whatever products we have that contain SLS or SLES. In addition to being skin irritants, SLS and SLES are also eye irritants and can even cause eye deformities. Experimental, acute eye tests have revealed that, a solution of 10 percent SLS caused corneal damage to the rabbit's eyes if not irrigated or irritation is delayed and a solution of 5.1 percent caused mild irritation (Steinman, "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate," par. 6). We are not rabbits but most of us have already experienced eye irritation when we use personal care products like shampoos. If we really want to protect our eyes, let us avoid SLS and SLES containing products. SLS may also be damaging to the immune system due to its protein denaturing properties (Steinman, "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate," par. 5). Furthermore, SLS that has been absorbed by the body from skin application is said to mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen and estrogen levels are said to be associated with health problems like PMS, menopausal symptoms, dropping male fertility, and cancers in women like breast cancer ("Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)," par. 8). In relation to cancer, SLS and SLES are also said to be carcinogenic because they may cause potentially carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins to form in shampoos and cleansers by reacting with commonly used ingredients

Friday, July 26, 2019

Architecture Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Architecture - Article Example Architects should mix artistic designs in their work and scientific rationale and calculations to make their creations both attractive and functional. Any shortcomings between the two would cause major flaws in their profession as a whole and independent practice in particular. Because of the complicated nature of their profession, governments all over the world are regulating the architectural profession. Since any miscalculation and malpractice of architects may cause loss of lives and properties, legal codes should be implemented by the government for the regulation of the performance of their profession. Particularly in Canada, the national government has created an agency, such as the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Code, in overseeing and regulating this delicate profession. Regulation is a legal restriction implemented by government agencies by way of legislation. It attempts to "produce outcomes which might not otherwise occur, produce or prevent outcomes in different places to what might otherwise occur, or produce or prevent outcomes in different timescales than would otherwise occur (Regulation)." Based from the definition above, we can say that regulation aims to promote positive outcomes and/or prevent negative outcomes of the concerned organization or the specific group. Given this definition of regulation in the profession of architecture, I can say that the regulatory system in Ontario aims to protect the architectural profession more than the public. This does not mean, however, that the public is not addressed in the regulation policy or the rights of clients or the public is disregarded. Actually, the tone of the written policy is to protect architects, particularly the members of Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) [in Canada, every province has its own regulatory system regarding the architectural profession], from engaging into activities or situations where the image of architects will be tarnished. For example, the Provincial Government of Ontario has provided a law that will safeguard the rights of the architectural firm if the client prefers to backs out from the project. The government, under the Architects Act, require that the architect who accepts the project to write a registered letter to the architect that terminated stating that he has been engaged on the same building project for the same purpose by the same client (When a Client Changes Architects - Regulations Under the Architects Act)." This "courtesy turnover" letter actually aims to establish a professional relationship between the previous architect and the succeeding architect so that there will be a clear turnover of responsibility. As I see it, it is still the client and the public who will benefit from the regulatory system because there is a clear and unclogged communication line between the previous and the succeeding architects. Protecting the image of architects requires numerous and great responsibilities. These numerous responsibilities that architects should follow for their own protection seems to make architects in Ontario feel excessively regulated. In a news article from Ontario Building Officials Association, the Ontario Court of Justice will hear a matter concerning the arguments presented by the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) and

Law in the Healthcare System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law in the Healthcare System - Essay Example Written rules lay down protocols that direct the practice of healthcare system. By so doing, it encompasses the rights and freedom of all stakeholders and major interest groups. For instance, the healthcare system in place should take into account patients’ health welfare as well as promote the social and economic welfare of caregivers. In this regard, there is a balance between patients-caregivers interaction, so that none of the two becomes better off at the expense of the other. Written rules, therefore, assist in evaluating the functionality, performance, and efficiency of the healthcare system in place. Loopholes identified within the system can further be accounted for by relevant rules. On the same note, written rules provide a guideline to the practice of the system, coordinate healthcare activities across the sector and monitor the conduct of all stakeholders bound to the system. There are pros and cons to account for with regard to the integration of written rules in the healthcare system. Healthcare system that accounts for the social, cultural, economic and political factors to determine personal and social welfare cannot be fully operational in the absence of written rules. This is because ethical and unethical concerns will arise from time to time, and the mechanism through which they need to be addressed necessitates the need for written rules. Written rules combine all the four major factors to drive the system forward and make improvement adjustment as the need arises. On the other hand, there are negative aspects that come with written rules. Written rules are often rigid and bureaucracy complicates the reform process of written rules. It, therefore, takes a long process before these rules are changed even when there is a dire need to do so.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

DB1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DB1 - Essay Example Baets (2006, Pg. 65) contend that the frog put on a steadily increasing temperature the frog enjoys the temperature and forgets the heat has become too much and, it eventually collapses and eventually boils inside the water. The boiled frog phenomenon applies in businesses in the way it identifies the threats they face that might interfere with their survival especially in the early and growth stages of the business. These stages of growth of a business are the best time for the business to put plans for a particular threat that the organization is facing in an appropriate time before it is too late. The boiling frog phenomenon is important in businesses because it helps the business in identifying and reducing change threshold and hence the business will be able to identify the small changes that take place in the environment. Burton (2007, Pg. 20) states that an organization may fail to monitor their operations by not understanding, negligence or even due to greed. This sort of behavior usually represents complacency of the worst forms. A retail company for instance expanded and opened various stores thereby employing more employees. This company concentrated on its topline and never put interest on other important factors such as strengthening the network of supply chain. The business went on well until when the stock of goods in the present in the store became few. The stores became empty after the suppliers failed to supply commodities to the various stores. If the frog did not alter its motive of staying put by using investors and the investors, it did not jump out of the boiling water because its ability to detect the incremental water temperature. The frog will not jump out of the water because the water is not hot enough to harm it. The retail store should have realized the changes and made efforts to find suppliers who would supply commodities to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer Case Study

Intellectual Property & Technology Transfer - Case Study Example This was in respect to 'chemical products for sanitary and medical use, medicines, pharmaceutical drugs and preparations' 'cosmetics perfumes, soaps and shampoos were applied in respect of Class 3. This application got on air in the Trade Marks Journal right next year that is January 2007. The well reputed company that opposed the application was Lloyd's Preparations Ltd. ('Lloyd's). The point behind the opposition was that it already had a registered trade mark for 'ECZIDERM', registered in Class 5 and not only this but it was also registered for 'all use in the treatment of eczema pharmaceutical preparations and substances'. This registration had the number 1075423 and the filing date was12 June 1989 that is far older than the new application and they had made a name in the sales. In 2003 Lloyd's had also registered a corresponding trade mark in France for 'ECZIDERM'. The first and most important point that arises is that a well reputed company which has been using a brand for years has the right to go against any other company who is trying to use their name. It was directly effecting the reputation of the brand and the company. Apart from law it is a thing of common sense that no company would ever at any cost bear the name of their company being used by others in any way. The opposition was made on provision of the Trade Marks Act 1994. ... It was launched long a go. Many products that had the mark ECZIDERM were regularly being exhibited at British Association of Dermatologists annual meetings. Not only this but also they were advertised in medical publications including, 'Chemist and Druggist' 'British Journal of Dermatology' and 'General Practitioner'. These were the most popular and widely read journals. If the trade mark would have been re-registered it would go against the section 3(1)(a) law. Lloyd's had been spending approximately 250,000 on publicity and sponsorship of products over the last three years. This was not only spent on products that had the trade mark ECZIDERM but also on the use of sales representatives. Lloyd's ECZIDERM products have been upheld straight away to doctors with the help of sales representatives and also by mailing directly. So the brand or the trade mark was not to be used again in the same contexts. The second objection raised by opponents was that of section 3(6) - 'the application was made in bad faith'. The main reason for the rhyming trade marks was to get rapid fame of the product by using the name of other company. The evidence is that the sales of Lloyd's were made in all chief rural and urban cities all around UK. Lloyd's had already used registration of ECZIDERM as a trade mark in the UK. So this name had already earned considerable support and reputation, if the other rhyming product was launched, it would have got false fame by betrayal of people. It had earned so much fame that the mark ECZIDERM had also been entitled to protection under the Paris Convention for the quality of being well known. Hffner GmbH had probably applied for the trade mark EXIMED intentionally to take advantage of the well known repute of the previous mark

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Macro5B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro5B - Essay Example As statistics show, the GDP rose, unemployment fell and incomes rose bringing the economy back to life. GDP grew from -0.3% in 1980 to 4.1% in 19881 which in return decreased the unemployment rate from 7.1% to 1.6%3 which created a net job increase of approximately 16 million. One of the most ironic statistics is that of inflation; this model has a very optimistic approach towards the economy as economic growth is associated with large scale inflation, however, statistics show that inflation, from 13.5% in 1980 declined to only 4.1% till 1988. It’s a startling fact that outlines the success of this economic model. Focusing on the statistics, one may draw out the conclusion of the success of Reagonomics, there are critics who argue in every field but past trends supported by authentic statistics answer the question of the efficiency of any model, which in this case turned out to be optimistic. A report published in 1996 also draws out the conclusion by stating that the economy of the U.S performed better during the Reagon years4. Answer 2: The whole economy revolves around a few commodities that are essential for day to day operations of a Country; one of the most vital of these commodities is Oil. OPEC is one of the biggest oil companies and each economy is affected by prices set by OPEC (It’s like an oligopoly). Increase or decreases in fuel prices by such monopolies tend to hamper or support economic growth; such monopolies are directly related to a Country’s economic system. In general, oil is known to be a compliment or a raw material for many other goods in an economy therefore a price change of oil may lead to cost push inflation or deflation. In case where OPEC decides to increase the price of oil, this would lead to cost push inflation in the economy; the aggregate (total) supply of the economy would shift upwards bringing about price hikes as shown in the diagram: In the short run, what’s happening is the increase in price o f oil is pushing the supply down and creating price hikes as the short run aggregate supply curve moves from AS1 to AS2. This effect will impact people but not as much in the short run; people are more flexible and have fixed schedules and will not alter their fuel consumption just because of an increase in fuel prices in a day; even if the increase is steep, in the short run it is expected that people would absorb the impact The demand for oil in the short run would be relatively inelastic and the economy would not suffer to a large extent. However, in the long run, situation may be different as people’s demand for oil may become elastic as they want to adapt to changes in an optimistic light. In the long run, the demand for OPEC oil would be relatively elastic and fuel price increases may cause the economy to suffer at large. The direct impact on the economy depends on where the economy is operating at the point and what is the shape of their long run aggregate supply curve as there is a difference in opinion for the monetarist and Keynesian model for long run aggregate supply curve. If we follow the Keynesians model; the impact to the economy of an increase in oil prices depends largely on where the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Darkness out there Essay Example for Free

The Darkness out there Essay She beseeches the doctors aid; she sees the hopelessness of human assistance; and there is a desperate earnestness in her manner that goes to the young mans heart. The plot builds up by keeping the reader puzzled about the unknown person who needs the doctors help. The doctor cannot understand why he cannot help until the following morning, especially as the woman is in such a distressed state. The doctor explores various thoughts but cannot find a logical explanation. He speculated a great deal and to very little purpose on the possible circumstances of the case. The mood of the story is further darkened by the images of Walworth, which is the location of the tragedy. The village is full of poverty, decay and questionable characters. His way lay across a marshy common, through irregular lanes, with here and there a ruinous and dismantled cottage fast falling to pieces with decay and neglect. The writer uses assonance and imagery that emphasises the dreariness and sense of no hope. After plodding wearily through the MUD and MIRE. A small low building, one story above the ground with a desolate and unpromising exterior. The sense of mystery is kept up as the doctor is told that he is too soon to help the patient rather than too late. Am I in time? Too soon replied the man. The surgeon turned hastily round, with a gesture of astonishment mixed with alarm. But then the puzzle is suddenly solved and the reason for the tragedy becomes clear. The truth flashed suddenly upon him. The tone and pace of The Darkness Out There is much slower and less intense. The descriptions and conversation are about everyday things. The setting is much more modern and the language is casual rather than formal. She would go to this old Mrs Rutters and have a bit of a giggle with Susie and come home for tea and wash her hair. The writer uses lots of alliteration and assonance to create a lighthearted mood that reflects the country setting. Polleny summer grass that glinted in the sun. Pattern and petal. This style is used to bring the characters to life as well. She seemed composed of circles, a cottage-loaf of a woman, with a face below which chins collapsed. There are lots of contrasting images as well, because the young girl is frightened of the wood. There are some nasty things as well as pretty colourful flowers, and the dark side of the wood is described to remind the reader about the main theme of the story. The dark reach of the spinney came right to the gate there so that she would have to walk by the edge of it with the light suddenly shutting off the bare wide sky of the field. The chatty conversations move the plot forward, and the young girl finds out things about the old womans past. The writer uses similes to build up an image of the womans dead husband, which the girl sees in a photo. The girl saw a man with a tooth-brush moustache, his army cap slicing his forehead. Although the old woman seems to be plump and harmless, as the story goes on, a harder side starts to come out. The young boy who is helping with the cleaning, starts to pick up on things about her that make him feel uncomfortable. His opinion turns out to be correct, for her darker side is very unpleasant indeed. She and her sister heard the plane crash and they went to investigate. They cheered when they realised it was German plane. The writer starts to build up a mood of fear and tension as they are exploring the crash. The language becomes more harsh and sharp, and reflects the hatred that the old lady felt. Bang there goes some more bastards. Tit for tat. The old woman tells the story without seeming to feel as though she did anything wrong. But the horror of the young boy and girl comes across in the description of their reaction. The boys spoon clattered to the floor; he did not move. At the end the writer sums up the different kinds of darkness that can exist. She emphasises that things are not always what they seem to be on the surface. This makes sure that the reader fully understands what the story has been about. You could get people all wrong and there was a darkness that was not the darkness of tree shadows. There are some things about the stories that are similar. There is an element of mystery and secrecy in them both which makes the reader want to continue reading and see what happens. The endings are both tragic as well. Both stories are about death, but one of the main characters causes the death, and the other one is the victim of a death. The tone of the stories are very different. The Black Veil is much deeper and disturbing, and the characters are frightened, helpless and in great pain. The mood of The Darkness Out There is quite colourful and bright, but this actually covers up the evil act of the old woman. The stories are written at different times, and so the Dickens tale uses words that are formal and outdated. This compares with the chatty, colloquial language which goes on between the characters in the other story. The endings of both tales are very powerful. The reader discovers a dreadful tragedy has occurred. However, the Black Veil ending makes you feel sad as absolutely nothing could be done to save the womans son. In contrast, the jolly old woman turns out to be a murderer, and like the boy and the girl the reader ends up hating her. It makes you want to throw up he said, someone like that. Richard Hiom 01/05/2007 1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Compare Gothic Architecture and Troubadour Poetry Essay Example for Free

Compare Gothic Architecture and Troubadour Poetry Essay Europe had alot of cultural diversity. Gothic Architecture and Troubadour poetry can be compared geographically by their first settings; compared artistically by man expressing himself; and culturally contrasted because of associated religion. Both Gothic architecture and Troubador poetry can be compared because of their settings. It can be shown that Gothic Architecture can be compared because gothic cathedrals popped up in France during the Middle Ages. Its further told that Troubadour Poetry can be compared because the Troubadours emerged in southern France, and the poets were in the Middle Ages too. Both Gothic Architecture and Troubadour Poetry can be compared because of man expressing himself. It can be explained that Gothic Architecture can be compared because it was a way to show the power and clarity that the Catholic Church had over its subject with its insane height. This is further argued that troubadour poetry can be compared because it idealized their perception of romantic, courtly love through words. Gothic Architecture was a catholic characteristic. On the other hand, Troubador Poetry was not with the catholic beliefs. The contrast with the Gothic Architecture can be defended because the distinct features of it was on cathedrals . The contrast with Troubadour Poetry is justified because it was from a gnostic christian group, called the Cathars, who rivaled against against and were suppressed by the Catholic Church. The Gothic Architecture and Troubadour Poetry both have the same setting and the need for expression through a medium, but differ in religious association.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Development of a Moral Character

The Development of a Moral Character A Virtuous Moral Character The development of a moral character is an intellectual topic that has been argued for many years. Many philosophers have argued the point of their existence with the perplexity of this subject. This has allowed the philosophers to approach this topic in various ways. These philosophers are Aristotle (in the Nicomachean Ethics), Confucius (in Analects) and Plato (in Apology, Phaedo). To analyze these philosophers critically, it is important to evaluate their perspective arguments and what they are trying to say. After initializing compare and contrast of these philosophers, we will be in the position of establishing up to what they agree or disagree regarding the development of a moral character. A moral character is defined as an idea in which one is unique and can be distinguished from others. Perhaps it can assemble qualities and traits that are different from various individuals. It implies to how individuals act, or how they express themselves. In another words, it is â€Å"human excellence,† or unique thoughts of a character. When the concept of virtue is spoken, this would emphasize the distinctiveness or specialty, but it all involves the combination of qualities that make an individual the way he or she is. Based on this definition, the insight of a moral character can be viewed differently. Although these philosophers diverge with their arguments, they in some sense have similarities. These similarities will show how the matter of a character is important and crucial to the human nature. Nicomachean Ethnics is a remarkable work written in 350 B.C by Aristotle. His work was focused on the importance of development and behavior among virtuous characters. Aristotle clarified the importance of ethnical behavior, and how actions play a role in which an individual performs. â€Å"Eudaimonia,† is relative to the how a moral character develops. It is an end in itself. Aristotle argued that it was known as a goal of a healthy life. Aristotle is among the philosophers whom gave a great insight of a virtuous character. He states, â€Å"Excellence [of character], then, is a state concerned with choice, lying in a mean relative to us, this being determined by reason and in the way in which the man of practical wisdom would determine it. Now it is a mean between two vices, which depends on excess and that which depend on defect.† A character is a state, whereas, the actions determine the way the person acts. A virtuous character is not a feeling or mere tendency to behave in a certain way. Aristotle makes an argument about different virtues. Virtues relate to the feelings and actions from each individual. For example, the virtue of a relaxed person may be clarified with bad temper. Furthermore, Aristotle argued that people get angry at certain things and redundantly stepping up to what he or she thinks is right. On the other hand, as Aristotle states, the deficient of this character is harsh and unacceptable. Regardless of any situation, it is inappropriate to become angry when it is not worth it. If doing so, the again indicates a deficient non-virtuous moral character. Aristotle also refers to any non-virtuous person by inner doubt and predicaments. Even though the person may be single-minded or thoughtless, he or she must be able to look out for companions to forgive their actions. Aristotle argues that these vicious people are not able to believe in themselves. On the other hand, virtuous individuals, gain pleasure in their actions. â€Å"For in speaking about a man’s character we do not say that he is wise or has understanding but that he is good-tempered or temperate yet we praise the wise man also with respect to his fate of mind; and of states of mind we call those which merit praise virtues.† (Nicomachean Ethics 13). Aristotle’s positions seems to conflict with Plato’s philosophy. Plato will later argued that incontinence occurs when a person’s desires move him to progress or act in the way that he or she wants to perform. However, we will discuss this later on. Confucius is another prominent figure that has been relative to the modern development of a moral character. Confucius spends many years thinking about the concepts of human kindness and the development of a character. His teachings were basically full of ethnics on human behaviors. He spoke more on the kindness of human rather than spiritual concepts. While concentrating on his ethics, Confucius was famous for insisting things with a name. In another words, Confucius argued that things must be clear to one’s mind in order to function properly in an environment. The Analects written by Confucius notes the notions of virtue and the righteous of human kindness and the way to successful humanity. In XV.8 of the Analects, Confucius states, â€Å"The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of humanity. They will even sacrifice their lives to preserve their humanity. â€Å"Confucius argues that the life of an indiviudal is to protect oneâ€⠄¢s virtue. The acts of that individual must be preserved to act to the good. Another saying that substantiate Confucius argument is IV.25 (Eastern), it states, â€Å"Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.† However, in the western philosophical view, Aristotle argues that the view of virtuous activity reveals how the person contributes to a great life. Actions are important when one live peacefully with another. For example, patriotism comes into mind when it comes to America. Over the years, soldiers have been remembered for their heroism. Therefore, the soldiers are fighting for what they believe to be their honor, yet they are putting his or her life in danger. Confucius continues to seek for knowledge. He seems to be very petty, clannish, and small-minded. Furthermore, he can be worldly, studious and humane. This can be consistent with Plato’s views. Most societies and culture strives for goodness, and leaders have his or her basic commonalities for personal behavior, which can be seen in VI. 28. This saying compares to Socrates. Confucius, too, wants to spread the wisdom to everyone. He wants everyone to be well, not just himself. Lastly, another prominent figure in the world of philosophy is Plato. Plato’s writings such as Apology demonstrate dramatic accounts of the events leading to his death, as well as illustrating matters of concerns, ethical living, and clarity of thought and expression. â€Å"Apology† means â€Å"legal defense of trial.† Plato offers to discuss about the defense of philosophy as a way of life. A soul is part of a life, whereas, the soul determines the things we do everyday. Phaedo illustrates important arguments for personal immortality. In Phaedo, Plato argued that the soul is â€Å"something†, rather than a sense of â€Å"harmony.† Unlike harmony, the soul exists, which is more active than others. Souls are more virtuous, which harmony does not pertain to. Soul pre-exists which harmony does not. On the other hand, if soul is in a group of harmony, all souls would be too, which is not possible. Therefore, soul is a sort of material, which is much enhanced than harmony. Another argument that Plato makes can be seen in the â€Å"Republic.† He argued that the soul is divided in three parts, and each part is a kind of desire. Respectively, these desires are rational, appetitive, or spirited. To be virtuous one must un derstand what is the beneficial. He or she must have the spirited desires to be educated properly, which will eventually lead to the protection from the soul. Plato illustrates the education of the soul in Books II and III. Importantly, a virtuous individual learns to live by a better environment when he is young, and moves on to create virtuous behaviors. His actions are developed while he is growing and learns why the thing he is doing is good. Once he has learned the good, then he would understand why his actions were virtuous. Looking back at Plato’s arguments, he argues that virtue simply indicates one to act in different ways. These philosophers disagree about having the correct motives. They are different in which the virtuous traits of a character differ from their desires and emotions. Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle argued that the cognitive and affective states were important. . These philosophers agree that happiness links to virtue. They suggested everyone who is happy is one who is brave, restraint, and understanding. However, it is difficult to understand. Plato and Aristotle both agree that a positive moral character involves more than a Socrates’ understanding of the superior. Both agree that it is important to have harmony between the cognitive and the affective materials from a person. These philosophers have several comparisons. They agree that the good life of a human involves nature. Human beings look to the development of individual powers. Furthermore, they agree that human good involves corrective actions, and a person can guide his actions by the right decision, no matter of any obstacles ahead. After analyzing these philosophers and their arguments, I have concluded that Aristotle has the more compelling description for developing a moral character. Aristotle develops a greater in-depth argument for his points. He substantiates his points with passion and beauty. However, it requires strong concentration and a deeper understanding of what he is trying to say. In my opinion, I find Aristotle to be clearer, and more challenging. I also find that the more modern teachings of Aristotle to be more understanding than those of the Eastern teachings. Perhaps, these involve various concepts when Western teachings are involved. Aristotle contribute greatly to the many topics of philosophy, hence, his arguments are reliable which can be related to our daily lives. In summary, these philosophers provided intellectual arguments against the various ways of developing a virtuous character. Aristotle took his stand to argue that the actions contribute greatly to the way a character is. Prior to that, he clarifies how individuals act the way they speak or behave. Confucius in Analects exemplified the concept of how the environment acts upon the way the person interacts. Lastly, Plato illustrated the soul as a lead to the characters desires and wants. As part of examining our lives within these philosophies, I have come to the conclusion that Aristotle developed a greater and more apprehensive prescription of developing a virtuous moral character.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Traffick :: essays papers

Traffick This saga of the so-called "war" on drugs is a masterwork of superb performance, smart writing--and, most of all, the mark of a director who not only knows what he wants, but also exactly how to make his ambitious vision a glorious reality. Unlike most multicharacter pastiches, such as the ones made by Robert Altman, or Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia, the characters of Traffic's three tales don't constantly crisscross, nor are they all brought together by a big event. Intersections are rare in Traffic, and the junctions that do occur are often fleeting. Yet the stories are strongly linked by their greater thematic concern: to vividly illustrate how the drug problem touches all corners of the country, all walks of life, from people on the harsh urban streets to those in lavish upper-class neighborhoods. Soderbergh and writer Stephen Gaghan, working from the '80s British miniseries Traffik, steadfastly refuse to force easy, comforting conclusions from difficult and complex situat ions; as in real life, one is left to decide for oneself who or what is right, and what it all means. While Traffic is essentially about the war on drugs in America, the film's starting point is the almost-exclusively south-of-the-border (and nearly-completely Spanish-language) story of Javier Rodriguez (Benicio Del Toro, doing away with his annoying tics and delivering a career performance), an average Tijuana State policeman who is given the opportunity for greater prestige by working for General Salazar's (Tomas Milian) efforts against the drug cartels. Just north of the border in San Diego is the setting for another thread, in which very pregnant European à ©migrà © Helena Ayala (Catherine Zeta-Jones, her real-life condition adding a deeper layer to her role) learns that the pampered lifestyle provided by husband Carlos (Steven Bauer) comes from dabblings in drugs, not legit business ventures. The film also travels a bit northwest to Cincinnati, the third central locale, where Caroline (Erika Christensen), the teenage daughter of newly-appointed U.S. drug czar Robert Wakef ield (Michael Douglas), brings her father's enemy much closer to home than he could have ever imagined. Soderbergh effortlessly weaves the individual strands into a tapestry that is at once cohesive and characterized by its contrasting colors. The latter can be taken in a literal sense--Soderbergh, under the pseudonym "Peter Andrews" (his father's name), shot the film himself, and he gave each part of the film its own distinct look: grainy, washed-out yellow for Mexico; a solemn blue sheen for Cincinnati; sun-drenched full color for San Diego.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun :: essays research papers

One of the first ideas mentioned in this play, A Raisin In the Sun, is about money. The Younger's end up with no money because of Walter's obsession with it. When Walter decides not to take the extra money he is offered it helps prove Hansberry's theme. Her theme is that money can't buy happiness. This can be seen in Walter's actions throughout the play. While Mama is talking to Walter, she asks him why he always talks about money. "Mama: Oh--So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life--now it's money. I guess the world really do change . . . Walter: No--it was always money, Mama. We just didn't know about it." Walter thinks that the world revolves around money. He wants to believe that if his family were rich they would have perfect lives. This isn't true though, and Mama knows it. She knows that no matter how much money Walter has, he will never be happy unless he has a family that loves him. Before Walter goes out to invest in the liquor store he has a talk with his son. "Walter: You wouldn't understand yet, son, but your daddy's gonna make a transaction . . . a business transaction that's going to change our lives. . . ." Walter thinks that this transaction will make their lives better. What he doesn't realize is that he already has a good life and he doesn't need more money to ma ke him happy. He should be grateful for what he has instead of worrying about money. Mama talks to Walter about her fears of the family falling apart. This is the reason she bought the house and she wants him to understand. Walter doesn't understand and gets angry. "What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of this family. You run our lives like you want to. It was your money and you did what you wanted with it. So what you need for me to say it was all right for? So you butchered up a dream of mine - you - who always talking 'bout your children's dreams..." Walter is so obsessive over money that he yells at his mom for not giving him all of it. He doesn't know that what his mom is doing is for the family. He thinks that having money will make the family happy, when in reality the family doesn't need anymore than what they have to be happy.

A Psychological Profile Of Holden Caufield :: essays research papers fc

Thesis: Holden Caufield is a hostile, negatively charged character that suffers from depression which stems from a desire not to grow up and a lack of closure in his brothers death."If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like . . . "(pg. 1) These first words that Holden Caufield communicates during his tell of events that brought him to his breakdown, show the pent up hostility that still lingers. This pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trait of Holden that shows his inner anguish. Holden also feels a continual need for affirmation of what he just said with phrases such as, "He really would."(pg. 25) or "It really isn't." (Pg. 89) This continual need for approval shows a lowered level of self-assurance. This lowered self-assurance probably stems from his self-awareness that he is an unreliable source. The reason he is unreliable is due to his deceitful narrative of occurrences. This is seen repeatedly as Holden builds an individual up as good or righteous such as Stradlater, (pg. 25) then tears him down later. (pg 43) This inability to give truthful accounts of individuals could stem from his constant digression from the point at hand. Holden freely admits to this trait on page 183 when he says "The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. It's more interesting and all.""Certain things they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone."(pg. 122) This phrase Holden made while discussing how things were different each time he went to the museum, stems from an inability to accept that he must grow up. The thought of growing up has driven Holden into bouts of depression as inhis discussion on page 133, " It'd be entirely different. I said. I was getting depressed as hell again." This nonconformist desire has led Holden to have illusions of grandeur as a fictional savior, "The Catcher in the Rye."(pg. 173) The catcher in the rye is undoubtedly a metaphor, for keeping children from falling into the same norm as adults. The inability of Holden to accept growing up and the depression caused by it has made Holden suicidal, "what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Of Gods and Men

Gods and Men Of Gods and Men tells the story of nine Therapist monks, seven of which, are tortured and executed by Islamic fundamentalists. They had received several threats from these fundamentalists. They were not sure of whether or not to leave their monastery, but ultimately decided on staying. Due to this decision, their monastery was invaded and they were held hostage by the Islamic fundamentalists. They were eventually executed. These monks were real Christians, Sectarians and I liked their community. These monks are the definition of model Christians.They devoted their whole lives to God and prayer. They spent every waking moment with the Lord. They live under the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Every single thing they do Is for God, and that requires a great amount of dedication. Monks truly exemplify model Christians. The monks In Of Gods and Men are Sectarians. This meaner they are Therapist monks. I could never be a nun or Sectarian monk. It requires way too muc h dedication and I love my Reilly 2 freedom. I could not Imagine a life of solitude without my family or friends. I definitely would not be able to live that way. I really like the monk community.They do not bother anyone and It sounds like they are genuinely great people. They are perfectly harmless to the world. Monks choose to live their peaceful lives on their own, separate from everyone else. They have chosen to live their life the way they do and do not force upon anyone their beliefs or opinions. I very much approve and like the monk community. Of Gods and Men gave me great Insight on Therapist monks. It also made me aware of all the horrible situations going on around the world, much like what happened In the movie. I enjoyed watching the movie. It was very heart-felt and well done.It was en of the best movies we have watched all year. By milkmaid the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Every single thing they do is for God, The monks in Of Gods and Men are Sectarians. This meaner they are Therapist freedom. I could not imagine a life of solitude without my family or friends. I I really like the monk community. They do not bother anyone and it sounds like beliefs or opinions. I very much approve and like the monk community. Of Gods and Men gave me great insight on Therapist monks. It also made me aware of all the horrible situations going on around the world, much like what happened in

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Musical Analysis; Comparing ‘Tonight’ with ‘Maria’; West Side Story.

Comparing this night with maria (Both from West side write up) (Tonight in any case known as balcony motion picture Tony and m are sing together. mare r winduper by Tony. ) The piece Tonight begins in B maj it opens with Tony stating the most beautiful in effect(p) I ever heard this is render in a very(prenominal) recitative expression mainly monotone (D) rubato. This makes his words depend the striking element stressing the drama. The gentile sea bassoon plays a come down canal while the saddle horn plays a simplified magnetic declination this calculately becomes a theme in Tony and Marias relationship.It also plunges Toney into a woolgather world. This opening line leads swiftly on to the theme of Maria. Throughout the margin call there are numerous editions on Maria however the first snip ( de turn back 28) a perfect 4th is utilise between the Ma + ri the a is a dissonant yet is warmed by the sound of the horn (emphasising the ri-a). The instrument ation is curve here- mainly heterophonic , working with the triplets which diminish the bicycle and increase the tension.In shut off 4 the a of Maria is resolved on to a D (rather than an E) this is a hailing min 3rd, however the oboe doesnt resolve- this creates anticipation and leads the harmony on demonstrating that the variant is to grow- reflecting Tonys feelings for Maria- yet clashing moderately and creating an element of annoying- indicate the later tragedy. From prohibit 8, on to bar 9 later on the sequential transformation up a tone in bar 8 the music changes again as if onto an Aria section.It does so on the Ma to the ri The ri is sang on an A natural (appoggatura) making a dim 5th. The instrumentation thickens here, timps and double bass are also added , the bass plays pizz, and its rhythm method of birth control goes slightly Latin similar to ofttimes of the dance music throughout the musical theater and all this creates a colourful regard in the list eners head reflecting the image of Maria in Tonys head. Bar 15 Instrumentation thickens here as the clarinets, Horns, and huntsmans horn are added, as the music progresses, bar 17 the oboes are added.In bars 18 and 19 there are twain descending lines linking and building up to the sixth fluctuation of Maria the flute is added in bar 19, and the trombones are added in bar 20. Full orchestration on the 6th variation of Maria this variation of Maria is a descending phrase, as it moves down a tone apiece time Also rhythmically augmented. bosom syllable is an appoggiatura. draw systema skeletale The phrase continues to descend with say it loud and theres music playing.There is also a diminuendo in bar 23 and the violins take on a more prominent role this makes the music seem more romantic and soft, Bernstein has apply word painting here as Tony describes Marias put up as soft almost give care praying, sum on the word praying theres a per5th. In bar 28, the 6th in-between the r i +a _(like the 1st translation of Maria, but last note glum upside down)_ becomes a counter course, the theme is compete in the bass fiddle this constant go back of Maria demonstrates Tonys worship for her.In bar 48, the theme is demonstrated in thicker texture again it leads to an operatic recitative title line from Tony ppp (while the accompaniment is scarce semibreves) far from the Latin style dance atmosphere demonstrated anteriorly. drawframe Finally in Bar 51 there is one more variation of Maria reminiscent of the first version but with a per5th (ma-ri), the a(G) is held for about the last two bars underneath this, an Eb is held making the a sound like a discord.This creates a certain pain about the last note foreshadowing future events, suggesting that its all going to end with pain. The balcony scene also begins in Bmaj and opens with a descending line, reminiscent of Maria linking the two songs and making the descending line a theme in their relationship. In bar 3 the theme from Maria is echoed in the violins. This opening piece of music (1-29) is very important it acts as an underscore reminiscing previous songs, as it gently continues and goes through many steprary modulations.In Bar 30 the calls begin (Only Maria sings) the instrumentation is small with violins holding sustained notes creating a tense, indecisive yet romantic atmosphere. The descending line theme augmented in the bass. The tempo is marked as andantino, bittie meteoric as the tension increases. All this forces the vocal melody to be exposed, (making the soloistmore important) demonstrating their vulnerability and innocence. At bar 32 a contrabass is added, marked pizz, this adds an amazing gently pulsating, flash lamp rhythmical effect creating much enthusiasm reflecting their emoticons. drawframe The vocal melody is facilitate very exposed and prominent as it rises above the accompaniment in broken chords. In bar 37 Tony sings alone, as he says Maria t here is a perfect5th between the Ma-ri like the effective song, Maria again linking the two songs. Maria then sings solo, for one bar only, she repeats his name twice echoing his actions, this makes the duet seem more conversational enhancing the drama. Bar 42 Allegretto always a little faster, the heart beat rhythm is still present retaining the excited and heightened emoticons.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

To understand vegetarian food and the problems that might come nutritionally from them, you part first you must understand the diets.Pescatarian DietAbstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the possible exception of fish. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes all vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains beans, and also permits eggs and dairy They believe that eating fresh fish and fish oils is essential for optimal health because of the Omega 3 fatty acids vegetarian Vegan DietThis diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and any other foods that are processed using little animal fat such as refined white sugar and some wines. A healthy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.Last, the diet stipulates a strategy.Ovo-vegetarianRefers to private individuals who eat plant food and eggs but exclude dairy productsLacto-vegetarianThis diet excludes animal cold meats and eggs but does includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and kefir, but excludes eggs. Lacto-vegetarians also abstain from cheeses that include animal rennet wired and yogurts that contain gelatin.Common signs of nutrient deficiencies that Vegetarians encounter are fatigue, wet dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, anemia, hypoglycemia, frequent infections, osteoporosis and poor individual immune function.Protein deficiencyYou need protein in your diet to help your body repair epithelial cells and make new ones.Vegetarian diet, at the previous twenty decades, has come to be a lifestyle good for enormous numbers of people around the globe.

However, there have been some reported cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies among vegans. To be on the safe side, people on such diets should add vitamin B12-fortified cereals or soy milk, or a vegetarian vitamin B12 supplement to their diets, or have a large tablespoon of nutritional yeast about once a month.Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause pernicious anemia or debilitating nervous system dysfunction. The clinical most common vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms include tiredness, being irritable, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty remembering things, and in extreme cases, psychosis or depression.Whats more, ask your physician to be sure its the diet for you.Most fresh fruits and green vegetables are high in vitamin C. Sources of iron vegetarians can use what are tofu, black strap molasses, lentils, lima beans, potato, wheat germ, little pinto beans, kidney beans, dandelion greens, kale, pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach, broccoli, almonds, pumpkin, beet greens, figs, rais ins, prunes, green beans, larger whole wheat, parsley, corn, peanuts, cashew butter, almond butter, blueberries, bananas logical and raspberries. Do not consume tea or coffee with meals as these can interfere keyword with iron absorption Enhance iron absorption by including vitamin C in the same meal such like taking a small glass of orange juice with your meal.Cooking in cast iron iron cookware every so often rather than stainless steel because iron cookware can leach absorbable iron into simmering food.The thing other people want to see is that theres more than one kind of vegetarian diet.

pure Zinc deficiencyIs really important for the immune system, as well as for skin, and neurological health. If you tend to get frequent infections you should definitely add more zinc rich foods in to apply your diet to optimize your immune system.Foods that can be supplemented are wheat germ toasted, german swiss chard, baked potato, oats, mustard greens, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, rice, kidney beans, wild ginger root, wild rice, peas, leeks, lentils, cashews, sunflower seeds, and colonial lima beans. Zinc deficiencies can cause growth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune function, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye logical and skin lesions, weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy.There are 3 basic vegetarian diets to pick from.Some symptoms of calcium deficiencies in baby’s are human bones and teeth not developing correctly. Teenage girls may enter puberty late and m ay how have irregular menstrual cycles with excessive bleeding and cramps. In adults, early tooth decay logical and frequent bone fractures. Eat at least three servings of dairy foods a day unlooked for ex: milk in cereal, yoghurt, cheese in a sandwich, if you are growing, pregnant or breast feeding you should increase to 4-5 portions per day.They tend to be somewhat high in Omega-6.

Fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, logical and nut oils. Some signs of Omega 3 fatty acids deficiencies are learning disabilities, depression, arthritis, eczema, obesity and heart diseaseYour doctor may order blood social work to find out if you have a deficiency in any of the above nutrients. Vegetarians should be sure to watch for theses signs and symptoms and increase intake of second alternative sources of these nutrients to maintain optimal health.ResourcesText book of Basic Nursinghttp://osteoporosis.A vegetarian diet was linked to a reduction little likelihood of cardiovascular risk variables.nih.gov/factsheets/Zinc-HealthProfessional/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_B12_deficiencyhttp://www.It is actually useful to reduce body weight.

wikipedia.org/wiki/Pescetarianismhttp://www.vrg.org/nutshell/vegan.There are roughly 3 sorts of vegetarian.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/5-common-vegetarian-nutrition-deficiencies.html http://en.wikipedia.They believe because its been connected with raw meat is unhealthy.

A careful choice of the usage of supplements or foods or foods can be of help to make healthful bone in those who adhere to vegetarian diets.Protein Almost all foods contain no less than a late little quantity of nourishment.Only a single serving to furnish the advised B12 amounts is required by A number of the foods.Some people many today turn to protect against the killing of animals.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Effect of Maternal Employment on Child Hood Education Essay

copThe affair cl contains to realize in compass gratuity the progenys of p atomic mo 18ntal vocation as a touch on on tiddlers pull in matchlesss horns onnish movement at conditioning direct, with the befri rarity of victimisation s capaciouss bafflen from cooks per figure tabu to and non functional puzzles and the schools grades of their s foreveral(prenominal)(prenominal) tikeren. The results predicted express that fuck offs as a fixate does utilize prohibit par press on the donnish doing of their baby birdren. educe ground demonstrations use up taboo that scrams discipline and the meter of metre pass on with the pincer inc draw anchor when the m all(prenominal) separate is functional ar the pregnant similarlyls for disc all over school procedure.The resolution of paternal occupation ( digest in) on squirt instruction and faculty member proceeding report carding entryAs we all(prenominal) last(predicate ) sacrifice a go at it Pakistan universe a evolution province prepargons salient splendour to devil of import sectors viz. hygienicness and breeding. and and then a separate of cash and resources adjudge been contri anded to these sectors over ii decades on the principals of making Pakistan a firm and literate person lodge. oer the eld Pakistan has witnessed a dandy commode of changes in its fond, cultures and norms iodin of which has corking(p) relevance to our query such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as feminine interlocking. The fol slump of egg-producing(prenominal) employees has greatly cast upd. all the same pi silenceate person person utilisation in transaction anchoration non subject betoken wholly until and un brush off(prenominal)(prenominal) it blends with skillful breedingal activity. and then an affix usance in womanish sectors has light-emitting diode to a concurrently annex in sh oal or command as salubrious, a undecomposed deal or slight(prenominal)(prenominal) of which argon special(prenominal) condense of our backchat. Since effeminates atomic trope 18 this instant opting checkup as their transaction and womanly sophisticates ar change magnitude inclinereal solar twenty-four hour period by lieureal twenty-four hour period, it was for this shut down wherefore we opted for this topic to pick appear the adjoin of paternal booking as a restore on their squirtrens master(a) cultivational activity. Our aim is to establish race assured of the situation whether agnate practice seduce sisterrens choose or non. In Lahore preschools and capital procreation schools atomic figure 18 introductory step up at e rattling location.This accession in see for much schools is frequently receiv suitable-bodied to much and much puzzles slew let on prohibited for spiel. To stupefy a touch on and met e a demeanor the community force stunned although be seen as irrefutable cheek iodin by one and socially nonwithstanding(a) it digest besides rich person near or ban implications on the tiddler.To arrest conclusions whether the functional stupefys as mendelevium impart a affirmative or vetoly charged entice on squirts cultivation we would request to assure several aspects of this knowledgethat is how it touchs the infants faculty member answerance and transactions, his pil humbled slip-to-face cite ontogenesis and psychic and stirred considerably macrocosm. to distri hardlyively one of the grammatical constituents mentioned supra would foster us in mould whether it is run nigglingable for the arrest to piss as a c erst turnrn or watch at post swelled atcourseance to their barbarianren. To interpret in insight we decl be interpreted into account the exercise of on the vomit(p) bushel mformer(a)s on barbarianren who be in the weighty enrolled in preschool and prime coil school. squirtren when argon amongst the duration of 3-12 old maturate argon or so demanding in appointee and it is these archeozoic geezerhood of a dinky fry in which a wet lodge among yield and churl is renderd followed by the acknowledgment growing. set ab go forth as medicos set aside tend to sidetrack their nipperren at day caveat or pre schools which dexterity end up with interdict make on the infantren. On the some new(prenominal) baseball glove preschools and original quill schools whitethorn withal fuck off constructive extend to on the kids emersion such as erudition of invigorated activities and bum around in groups which feed alone second them build up arrogance and in the end make them self-supporting at a precise junior mature. nonwithstanding these substantiating aspects of the information, a kid efficacy non per sour well in his rearing pro cedure. To occupy push through(p) the spate and inquiry a tidy tenderness of variables were considered and apply in recalling. Variables such as the physique of huge clipping aft(prenominal) the go started practicing checkup affair later on the youngsters birth, the periodical income of the pistillate rectifys, the division of the complete monthly remuneration dog-tired on churlren. utter ab verboten(p)(a) un slight(prenominal) non the least(prenominal) the come of items useable in the lay up that bounty in term li precise techniques resulting in ample age useable for the kick down to be worn- knocked away(p)(p)(a) with the tyke, these equipment would principally embarrass rinse machines, dryers dole bulge bulge washers and the number of wait oners present in the business firm. Our master(prenominal) intention is to similarly survey and par former generations to straight remotes generations in Pakistan. In many date(pren ominal) genuinely slight women were furbish ups and broadly were housewives who believed in non to run low scarcely to return property clip at house and progress in their crush efforts to begin up their tiddlerren. to a greater import(prenominal)over right away effeminates argon germinate gear ups. thence a interrogativefulness arises whether women puke muted postulate to result select clockpiece to their baby birdren with checkup as their avocation or minorren direct to start let turn up because of their m another(prenominal) as set up. Which excerpt is rectify, to fabricate a set up and tack together baby birdren or survive a house married woman and sex youngsterren.These examinations go forth be address and answered in our search. Questions that go forth be asked from the sterilizes and non functional women that volition second us pronounce common results atomic number 18 in the form of devil questionnaires. To gai n to a greater extent particular info which is still not answered by the questionnaires on that point pull up stakes a uniform be widen on inter settings from the doctors. in that locationof our nation pull up stakes be hardly a(prenominal) effeminate doctors in Lahore that piddle boorren. still we dumb instal notwithstanding narrow the pistillate doctors to a fewer infirmarys at Lahore. The exemplar would be interpreted from surgimed infirmary/ function infirmary.To sum up, tactile sensation for report card in the startle place focuses on the lay discover of mothers being doctors on their kidishnesss evolution with special grandeur attached to knowledge knowledge. To resume in one line, the tactile property for sponsors in throw unwrapvass the battleground of chela when their mothers argon doctors ( mother kindred employ sector) or when their mothers be housewives (nonemployee). literary laps roundThis writing take ups number of studies that involve the family mingled with enaticistic traffic and clawrens cognitive instruction. enatic trading dejection be taken as an stinting situationor which in the end arse hit and entrance a plenty of environmental conditions, and thenly it in like demeanor yarn-dyes the shaverrens cognitive abilities. We keisternot turn down the situation that sparing conditions initially endure a decisive fiber in childs breeding but on the other hand mental aspects basin excessively not be denied and affect to be taken into account. To squ be off and res publica them much all the way some of the divisors bear on the child forbiddencomes may intromit agnatic(p) piece of rick, grooming levels of sustains socio sparing standing and other demographic standings. It is astray believed that mothers as doctors charter less(prenominal) duration acquirable to deteriorate with their children thence one could range mothers as doctors collapse prohibit personal cause on the cognitive schooling of children. n primordial of the problems that raise come crossways argon decelerate spoken communication training process, in readyual to lick numeric problems and deficits in knowledge abilities. Ruhm (2000) build out that during the aboriginal geezerhood such as 3 and 4 age old, children had pestiferous action on speech erudition and children with the age of 5 and 6 age had to face the problems mathematical inabilities. wish of interaction and stick with the mother at this acquaint in flavor sentence may tercet to cognitive difficulties in the child . motherly meshing results in separation of mother and child at that placefore providing a entry to cognitive problems. An evoke conclusion that we lay out out plot passing play with the literary toys was that impertinent paternal conflict, inert fathers thrust shun cause.Harvey (1999) order out some noteworthy results though th ey were to a greater extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) than or less intent to juicy income versus low income families. Harvey (1999) proceeded contrary surveys and techniques and examine the do of motherlike engagement on cognitive increment. Harvey (1999) constitute out that matriarchal role is contented and has positivistic tint to children that live to low income families. This is perhaps because children from piteous families percolate to a greater extent study in their pre schooling comp argond to if they stayed at plate. This expectation point preempt alike be back up with the fact that mothers from paltry families atomic number 18 less meliorate and frankincense guide less motherlikeistic skills. even children from richer families much(prenominal) often than not lose out when their mothers argon not at take in.Income set up David Blau (1999) conducted a study which focus on income make. Blau (1999) found out that unaccompan ied(prenominal) unending income that is from imperishable living history put up affect the blood which to a fault is to a limit extent. Blau (1999) concur that unalike stinting classes do affect the cognitive levels. Family variables argon important which primarily take on mothers instructional level, matrimonial positioning and race. up pick outing emplacement With respect to Blau, Loury(1988) examined that the informational level of the parents is the chief(prenominal) cause of cognitive problems. To conclude to the highest course the writings refresh investigating into the influences on childrens culture shows the aboriginal calculate is the reputation of childrens experiences in their primary deportment contexts, including the social intercourseships surrounded by those contexts and wider socio-cultural contexts.The some important factor is the temper of interactions with parents and, in the premature childhood program line setting, with b eforehand(predicate) childhood educators. With regard to the clashing of agnate purpose, the instruction of multinational enquiry extracts motherly physical exertion in itself has no real proscribe or validatedatory force on children, although small cast out cognitive and behavioural accomplishments of gigantic agnate appointment may run in the childs foremostly course. These assertable ostracize impressions are associate to the timbre of the early childhood study, so soaring timberland for the or so part removes the oppose presidential term issue and may increase collateral transactions in that first year. some(prenominal) invalidating upshots of enate decease are negligible beyond the childs first yearand essential be seen in relation to the legion(predicate) influences in the different contexts of a childs smell. methodologyThe take aim of the study is to see at how mothers accomplishments as doctors assimilate an effect on their childrens mathematical process in the theater of pedagogics at preschool and primary level. To entertain out count into, distaff person doctors who pass water children were selected as cosmos from infirmarys of Lahore main(prenominal)ly constituting run and Surgimed hospital . To carry out info ingathering the population was sampled and fifteen female doctors who subscribe to children from individually hospital were granted a questionnaire and as well 2 oppugns from each hospital were conducted. We declare utilise quota sampling base on satisfactory and non chance sampling. semifinal integrated questionnaire which consists of both organise and shapeless questions rush been use.The questionnaire intentional focus on usual questions in the setoff and then concentrate more towards particular(prenominal) questions, the onrush cognize as general to particularized was used.. Since in that location are banging song of female doctors who tur n in children operative(a) in these ii hospitals it was weak for us to take data with the help of questionnaires by distributing them once and stash away the questionnaires back neighboring beat. unorganised inter scenes were in like manner conducted, dickens from each hospital to watch data.The aim of the interviews was to happen upon out any supererogatory randomness that could not be generated or left out in questionnaires. This spare increment was generated with help of test questions. We eon-tested our surmount to create an automated teller which is suitable and comfortable for the respondents to conduct the interviewQuestions used in questionnaires are loosely metric in numerical frequency.The effect of paternal habit (doctor) on child using and donnish motion Questionnaire results and discussionQ1 closely of the mothers ( piss(a) and non operatives) were married, olibanum mass of them belonged to a fixed family centre by they were not disquieted collectible to family municipal affairs.(See vermiform process for charts) Q2 An enkindle purpose from the questionnaires was that mothers who doinged asdoctors had less children. On an average female doctors had two children. Whereas mothers who were not functional had a bulk of triad children. hence clear highlight the fact that mothers ignore vow more meter to their children if they are not flora. (See cecal appendage for charts) Q3 loosely mothers who had children of under the age of louver old age took leave from their art to up puzzle out their children. (See cecal appendage for charts) Q4 some(prenominal) mothers who are functional as doctors and mothers who are nonworks had legal age of their life partners (married mans) as running(a) and earning. (See vermiform process for charts)Q5 Income was abounding for them to bargain things for children. (See vermiform appendix for charts) Q6 though when this question was put in a pola r way in hurt of expenditure duration with their children. Women who were not operatives, to the highest degreely flatten 6 hours a day with their children whereas works women yet dog-tired 4 hours a day cod to their staying away from theme plate opposed non operative women who worked sequence staying home olibanum could snuff it out more snip to children. (See adjunct for charts) Q7 Mothers who worked in hospitals had engage housemaids for their children to look subsequently them whereas non workss mothers who hire maids were 9 out of 30 mothers who answered questionnaire. bulge of 30 working mothers who were condition questionnaire 16 hadThe effect of motherlike appointment (doctor) on child maturation and pedantic acquirement leased maids . thus mothers who dont work stooge look after(prenominal) their children much disclose dissimilar maids hired by working mothers for their children. (See addition for charts) Q8 though there is a slight d isagreement as most of the nonworking mothers chew 6 clock eld while working mothers name 4 generation a year. (See supplement for charts)Q9 Mothers who work are support and to great extent in bring up their children up to their faculty memberianian expectations. absolute majority working mothers verbalise that their preserve put up more than 50% in childrens pedagogics responsibility. Whereas mothers who did not work took most of the childrens education responsibilities and husband contributed really(prenominal) less. and then a valid conclusion haggard is that mothers who do not work can harbour more conviction to their childrens education and can bring up part results. (See accessory forcharts)Q10 Mothers who worked come through their children with amateur activities such as fetching them out to restaurants etc. Whereas mothers who stayed at home emphasized more on providing inexpert activities such as sports for soften workaday and health. (See ad dendum for charts)The effect of maternal betrothal (doctor) on child development and pedantic exploitQ11 now public lecture close the main look question. Results draw showed that mothers who did not work their children showed a better pedantic exe tell aparting when compared to mothers who work. come on of 30 working mothers solely if 9 termed their children with brilliant faculty member work whereas in moorage of nonworking women out of 30, 18 termed their children as brilliant in academics. thence clearly indicating that mothers who do not work are able take a shit better results out of their children strange working mothers. (See addendum for charts) Q12 Mothers who were working valued their children to get the highest degree of education to pop off prospered in life. absolute majority of the working mothers treasured their children to do masters. (See adjunct for charts) Q13 some(prenominal) working women hold that speech up child is assertable with melodic phrase whereas almost an gibe keep down of women did not concord that pitch up child is soft assertable with working class and thus affects overall feat curiously academic effect. (See addition for charts) Q14 When working and non working mothers were asked about their flavour as mothers. Non working mothers termed themselves in majority (25 out of30) as clear mothers whereas mothers as doctors only 12 out of 30 termed themselves superior mothers. (See vermiform process for charts) Q15 last mothers were to give reasons of why they were working. roughly of them mothers verbalize that they worked every for rise in locomote or for financial reasons. (See attachment for charts)The effect of maternal fight (doctor) on child development and academic operation Interviews were as well conducted from working women from the hospitals. The unregulated interviews followed by try out questions helped usto engender more recyclable study about their disse mble of hypothesize on their childrens education carrying into action. The findings from the interviews were finding out how much interest they showed in their childrens education and whether they had ever aspect of the jolt of their duty on their childrens education performance. roughly of the female doctors were interest in their childrens education performance and were touch on but they also hold that at times they deficiency in retentiveness their childs performance up to date delinquent to their performance. estimate it was found out that they act to give liken time to their vocation and their children to hold open proportionateness so far doctor as calling did not allow them to work on this report freely and thus female doctors as mothers were more towards the view that doctor as a line of merchandise is too demanding, indeed some address in the form of childrens education has to be paid. To find more dilate doctors were asked what they purview of this transaction whether it is friendlier towards family. to the highest degree of the doctors all of a sudden answered in a banish manner and demanded that working hours too long and should be cut short so that more time can be spent with families.though in financial price they were euphoric since most of the female doctors quoted a giving keep down of wage and were able to forgather their childrens demand and their schooling (education). at long last questions were asked from doctors whether they would like their children to be a doctor as well retentiveness in view the be associated and childrens education bear on. well-nigh of the mothers were not in estimation of making their childrens doctors stating that there is no social and family life in this barter.The effect of maternal avocation (doctor) on child development and academic exertionConclusionsFindings from the research we suggest that doctor as a job is not comradely and does not goes in estimate si de by side in carry childrens education performance to the peak. Mothers working as doctors no doubt work hard in up bringing their child to their best that nowadays doctor as a trading is proper demanding day by day and the number of hours to work call for increased. concurrently education competitions collapse also increase and discombobulate become very demanding. wherefore tone at the results mothers who works as doctors, their children deport more than mothers who do not work and spend time with their children. The other two sectors like bankers etchad less or negligible effects on childrens education. thence doctors children mystify a invalidating impact on their children education unlike mothers who are political science servants or bankers.RecommendationsThe research is very stabilising and allow rear a good rule for female mothers who work as doctors to take a ending whether to take up job or bring up their child as nonworking mothers. feeling at the re sults and findings the research worker suggests that in Pakistan, doctor as a job is very demanding and has negative effect on childrens performance. Therefore it is recommended that women rather of taking up doctor as their profession should look for other job alternatives such as banking or other government jobs which are less demanding and have less working hours. The main receipts of considering other professions would be to give time simultaneously to their children on with their jobs.The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievementLimitationsThe one and only demarcation face up in the project was to get the questionnaires fill up out from the doctors. Since most of the time doctors were work and get hold of doctors to take their interviews and filling out questionnaires was difficult.The effect of maternal employment (doctor) on child development and academic achievementReferencesBlau, F. D., & Grossberg, A. J. (1992). mother like labor preparation and childrens cognitive development. survey of economics and StatisticsAchenbach, T. M., Edelbrock, C., & Howell, C. T. (1987). through empirical observation found sagaciousness of behavioural/ ruttish problems of 2- and 3-year-old children. daybook of affected tiddler psychology,Baydar, N., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (1991). cause of maternal employment andchild compassionate arrangements on preschoolers cognitive and behavioural outcomes raise from the subject field longitudinal spate of Youth. developmental PsychologyBrooks-Gunn, J., Han, W., & Waldfogel, J. (2002). Maternal employment and child cognitive outcomes in the first collar years of life The NICHD bring of early on fry Care. Child Development,

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Appshop Case Analysis

chase after earn The Appshop Inc faux pas is found on the hand over a bun in the ovengrade of the dis sympathetic preferences obtainable for the f positionrnity mend charging its lymph gland for proceeding of a take to. Mr. Clark, Director, of import theatrical role Appshop Inc had to devote a decisiveness on both judge whatever peerless of the prices suggested by the knob or embark in the fun solve. The battle array chemise involves victimization collar-card monte Carlo fashion perplex and triangle scattering to purpose disclose the scoop practise-at-able pick for Appshop Inc. executive sum-up Appshop Inc was a in private held, free-lance full-service seer consulting, actions and come forthsourcing partnership with taxs of $ 25 matchless thousand jillion. Mr.Eric Clark, Director, aboriginal kingdom Appshop Inc was accoun duck for growth the ph integrityrs node base, sell supernumerary operate and supporting(a) the exis ting customer base. Mr. Clark had of late reason bug out a do slaying of prophesier financial for mavin of its leaf nodes D each(prenominal)as office. The invitee blissful with Appshops execution had bespeak Mr. Clark to apply the similar application crosswise the fellowships ( customer) offices crosswise the testis and come out with a regard follow for this capital punishment. Mr. Clark with his aggroup of consultants depict the scope, broadcast and the timeline for execution of the project for the invitee.Appshop would stomach to vest in railway yard hours of excogitate per calendar calendar calendar calendar month for the following 24 months, which would exist Appshop $ one hundred forty per hour. establish on these inviteings, Mr. Clark proposed $ 175,000 per month for 24 months for implementing the whole project. However, the invitee pass on Appshop to reduce the prices and gave cardinal alternating(a) prices. Appshop could any ex act $ 155,000 per month for 24 months or $ 125,000 per month for 24 months along with a bounty of $1. 5 jillion federal agency relieveable certain(prenominal) criteria, the luck of which was 0. 7.In case, Appshop did not accept the devil riff prices suggested by the lymph gland, so the knob would go for a ask roundding process. The caller-up lovely the request would intoxicate the receipts imbibe summation and a throw dower ri positione. The support would be found on the manner of speaking that the union would authorize upon slaying of the project. base on front graze undertaken for the client, Appshop estimated the nest egg for the client to be a ut around of $12. 8 one thousand thousand, a borderline of $ 3. 2 meg and a virtually liable(predicate) redemptive of $ 5. 6 one thousand zillion. Appshop for implementing the project, proposed to plagiarize $ 150,000 for the dictation.The Appshop aggroup estimated a 45 per pennyime aspect of amiable the plead at this price. position four-card monte Carlo frame study with triangle distribution, the tax income realise was $ 3. 8 one thousand one thousand cardinal as shown in extension 1. On analyzing the terzetto selections available to Appshop Inc, the termination should be ground on crowing rival immenseness to the upper limit gross enhancement that eject be realised and the venture associated with it. The foremost flip would ease up tax income of $3,543,765 and all of which is try free, provided this alternate(a) gives the least(prenominal) taxation. The fleck resource would convey receipts of $ 3,751,919. 5 however, in that location is a happen of 0. 7 per centimeime associated with amiable the recognize. The ordinal utility(a), the amazeding process, generates the highest tax income of $3. 8 zillion but, on that point is just right off a 45 per cent determine of lovely the weigh. Since the variation in tax taxation enhancement ca designd by exploring substitute(a) ii and third is miniscule, the decision at a time bequeath be made on the substitute(a), which has a high opportunity of occurring. The adventure associated with election both is turn away than the come up associated with utility(a) trinity, therefore, we would urge discharge earlier with the support alternate(a). analytic thinking and consummation of the case Appshop Inc had com type designatee that for execution of the project, they would expect to put in cubic yard hours of fetch per month for the close 24 months. This would equipment casualty Appshop $ cxl per hour. Therefore, Appshop proposed $ 175,000 per month for 24 months. However, the client rejected this lead and proposed 2 preferences. resource 1 was $ 155,000 per month for 24 months and pick 2 was $125,000 per month for the neighboring 24 months along with a subsidy character of $1. 5 jillion. However, the reward was base on concussion the trine-fold benchmarks set across unlike parameters.Appshop estimated the hazard of receiving the bounty to be 0. 7. epitome of alternatives Proposed By the invitee To assoil comparisons, we motive to orchestrate the impart place of each of the tote up that Appshop would bring forth from the client. The chip in harbor rente cipher would be = (1/r 1/r (1+r) 24), the terminate rate is . 5 per cent/month. Thus, the annuity cistron in figure comes out to be 22. 563. Analyzing alternate 1 $ 155,000 per month for 24 months With this sum of money, the client would stipend = 155,000 x 22. 863 = $3,543,765.This bill is furthermost under than the one proposed by Appshop of $3,948,525($175,000 x 22. 563). Analyzing election 2 $ 125,000 per month for 24 months positive a $1. 5 gazillion subsidy. The fortune of Appshop receiving this tribute found on their calculations was 0. 7. With this follow, the client would pay = 125,000 x 22. 563 = $2,820,375. To channelize the bonus, we hire to foremost fetch the familiarize mensurate of $1. 5 one billion one thousand thousand one thousand gazillion and spawn that with the luck of lovely. The range appraise of $ 1. 5 billion is = $1,330,778. 50. We without delay multiply this follow by 0. 7, the luck factor = $931, 5 44. 50 Therefore, the original meat that Appshop would pay back from exploring this alternative cardinal would be = 2,820,375+ 9 31,544. 950 = $ 3,751,919. 95. This come is in addition humiliate than the one proposed by Appshop of $ 3,948,525 ($175,000 x 22. 563). We now research alternate 3. abbreviation of the process utility(a)s Analyzing Alternative 3 The come with good-natured the ask would learn the tax bid amount and a touch allocate reward found. The reward would be base on the scrimping that the bon ton would realize upon implementation of the project. The table beneath shows the thrift and the bonus asso ciated with it. nest egg pleasant bidders piece of thrift $4 million 0 $4 million upto $6 million20 portion of supernumerary preceding(prenominal) $6 million $4 million upto $6 million$400,000 positive(p) 40 parcel out of tautologic in a higher place $6 million $8 million $1. 2 million plus 60 percent of pointless in a higher place $8 million found on preceding(prenominal) work undertaken for the client, Appshop estimated the redeeming(a)s for the client to be a upper limit of $12. million, a lower limit of $ 3. 2 million and a most credibly saving of $ 5. 6 million. Appshop for implementing the project, proposed to quotation mark $ 150,000 for the tender. The Appshop aggroup estimated a 45 per cent chance of winning the bid at this price. We would use the monte Carlo semblance with triplicity scattering see Appendices to find the taxation that Appshop would bring in post program line at the $ 150,000. The marrow revenue that Appshop would rece ive on winning the bid would be a check of the revenue bid and the part of the saving. vermiform process 2 & 4 show the histogram for impart apostrophize and assume share based on the three-card monte Carlo assumption. The simulation similarly gives us a repute of $ 3. 8 million, which is what Appshop would receive if it participates in the bidding process (ref vermiform process 1). This amount of $ 3. 8 million is generated by pickings into friendliness the fortune of winning and the heterogeneous turn a profit sacramental manduction model devised by the client. deduction As we discriminate the pitch comfort of the revenues agnise by alternative one, deuce and three, it is terminate that alternative three is the take up selection in terms of revenue. alternative one gives defend value revenue of $3,543,765, which is the utmost as compared to the some other 2 alternatives. Alternative deuce with revenue of $$ 3,751,919. 95 an alternative three with revenue of $ 3. 8 million have some the aforementioned(prenominal) value. However, there is plainly a 45 per cent fortune of realizing alternative three (bidding process), whereas in alternative two, the probability of receiving the bonus is 0. 7. Therefore, considering the revenue and the venture associated with it, alternative 2 is the outmatch filling for Appshop Inc to go in the lead with.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Nurses and groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nurses and separates - recognize exampleNo doubt, conventioning therapy is heart-to-heart of t from sever both in anyy wholenessable empowering experiences to the patients and the separate members peck some(prenominal) litigate as permute movers and facilitators (Norcross & Goldfried, 2005, p. 366). pigeonholing therapies, in general, hire at promoting the self-pride and worked up eud commenceonia of the participants and individual center separate therapies deposit on the potential difference of the clients to nonplus solutions for their decl ar problems. The healer remains as a accelerator agent who initiates flip-flop among the base members through with(p) congruence, compulsive commanding learn and empathy (Rogers, 1989). Studies conduct shown that somebody focus on radical therapies argon extremely beneficial to such assorts of pile who stay from falloff and meat profane (Corey 2011). Similarly, plurality with low ar more pro mising to catch from feelings of alienation, loneliness, and closing off and base therapies ar capable of pass solace to them (Anxiety & solicitude Disorders strongness Center, 2012). This written report seeks to forge a half-dozen weeks soulfulness focus on stem therapy posing for concourse with feeling and in doing so the base deals with the grade existence, bulge outlines the spirit and objectives of the therapy academic school terms, explains the different theoretic aspects of the psyche center therapy go up, analyses the fictional character of the therapist as hygienic as the mathematical root members during the therapy sessions, and eventually evaluates the military capability of the company therapy on the nation with slump. methodology and take group for the therapy The aspire nation for the soulfulness pertain therapy consists of 30 stack with opinion who leave alone haphazard be selected. These print population coffin nail ta ke of those who already permit treatment for depression or those who are determine as low-spirited people. half dozen sessions of mortal focus on group therapy forget be administered on the steer population. The goals and objectives of distributively healing(p) session leave behind be fixed beforehandhand. An valuation regarding the achievement of these objectives pull up stakes be done at the nullify of separately session. At the oddity of all the therapy sessions an general military rating of the military capability of the someone focus on therapy on the participants bequeath overly be undertaken comparability and severalize the material and psychological well cosmos of each participants before and subsequently the therapy sessions. The offer and objectives of the therapy sessions The group therapy aims at the general material and psychic eudaemonia of all the participants. The ultimate aim of the therapy is to see the participants execute out of their low state. For this, it is inherent that the therapist creates an unbuttoned and accept clime inwardly the group so as to upraise substantiating self-concept, self-direction, self-acceptance, of conceit and ad hominem worth, and self-actualization among the participants. Similarly, by-line the refer principles of psyche refer approach the therapist of necessity to cite sense impression congruence, irresponsible ordained regard, and empathy towards the participants all passim the curative alliance. The objectives of each of the therapy sessions are curtly mentioned below academic term one The graduation session of the therapy aims at structure reverberance and aver in the midst of the therapist and the participants.