
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

To what extent is Of Mice and Men a novel of protest? Essay -- English

To what extent is Of Mice and Men a overbold of protest?John Steinbecks novel Of Mice and Men conveys the impression, that itis a novel of protest. The timber Candy suffers from discriminationbecause of his age and his disability. Steinbeck uses this characterto protest against ageism and the interference of the modify during theGreat Depression.The repeated reference to Candys desperation could be mum asa protest against ageism. He says more than once that if he cantswamp step up no bunkhouses, theyll put him in the county. His whole animation is based on one pillar, the kindness of the boss. He wishtsomebodyd shoot him, if he gets fired. He wont have no place togo and is tied on the ranch. When Curleys wife says that Candy is alousy ol sheep, Candy subsided. He suggests to rate the boss aboutthat dispute, but he knows that nobodyd listen to them. Steinbeckuses these situations to protest against ageism.The hopelessness is also used by John Steinbeck to protest against thetr eatment of the disabled during the Great Depression. Candy knowsthat he does not have a future. Crooks emphasises this fact, when hesays that Candy will be a swamper till they take him out in abox. Candy swamps out houses, because he is not able to do somethingelse. Although he hopes that their dream will work, he recognises thatit is false. It is unrealistic because of his disability.Steinbecks protest against the treatment of the disabled is evidentfrom the way he describes Candys hopelessness. by dint of his descriptions of Candys primitive working and livingconditions, Steinbeck protests against ageism. Candy is an oldswamper, who lives in a bunkhouse. His possess... .... That is another parallel between Candyand his dog. Both, Candy and his dog ar handy-capped. Carlsondiscriminates Candy as well, when he states that the dog cant eat,cant see and cant even head without hurting. The dog would be nogood to himself. Candy receives these statements as discriminationsagainst hi m. What about him, if his dog has to be shoot? Steinbecksprotest against the discrimination of the disabled is evident fromthese descriptions.To some extent, John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men is a novel ofprotest. When he wrote the novel, Steinbeck was sad because of thehorrible situation of the old and disabled during the GreatDepression. The themes of ageism and the treatment of the disabled areprotested through Candy. Candy does not encounter a very big role in thestory, but he plays a very big role in the background of the novel.

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